Close Racing For R4

Close Racing For R4

The fourth round of the TW Steel DMAX Champs saw a return to Daytona Sandown Park – with the Alternate circuit being used. The venue saw exciting racing in both the endurance and heats championships – with Daytona′s fleet of identical DMAX karts showed incredibly close laptimes across the classes throughout the day.

For example, the 15 drivers racing in the Lights Final (the pentultimate race of the day) recorded best laptimes all within one second of each other during their 16 lap race. The top 12 drivers within less than half a second of each other.


The champs results and reports will all be on the results page later today (Monday 16th May). Book now for Round 5 on Sunday 19th June at Daytona Milton Keynes. Call Mark on 033 033 278 70 to reserve your space on the grid.